Top 5 SEO Audit Checks for an SME
Self-auditing is one of those tasks which always gets over looked when it comes to SMEs. Unlike other types of audits, web sites often get over-looked when it comes to…
I’m an International SEO Consultant from Leeds in the United Kingdom. This blog is mostly about SEO, technology and digital marketing. [DISCLAIMER] I tend to go off topic and have been known to rant about pretty much anything to do with digital marketing.
Self-auditing is one of those tasks which always gets over looked when it comes to SMEs. Unlike other types of audits, web sites often get over-looked when it comes to…
The SEO industry as a whole is changing almost on a daily basis, and I’m not just talking about search metrics! Whilst I have not been in the SEO industry…
If you are wondering why on earth this blog post is about Marmite vs Vegemite, then you’re obviously not a fan of either of these two wonderful spreads. That’s fine…
Having attended the SAScon conference in Manchester last week, my head has been buzzing ever since with new exciting ideas for Social Media and search engine optimisation strategies. The main theme that…