How secure is your analytics data? 5 tips to keeping it safe
As Google is the most popular provider of analytics software, I’m going to focus this article around Google Analytics, as it is used by the vast majority of the companies…
I’m an International SEO Consultant from Leeds in the United Kingdom. This blog is mostly about SEO, technology and digital marketing. [DISCLAIMER] I tend to go off topic and have been known to rant about pretty much anything to do with digital marketing.
As Google is the most popular provider of analytics software, I’m going to focus this article around Google Analytics, as it is used by the vast majority of the companies…
Getting ‘hit’ by a Google penguin algorithmic filter because of the links pointing to your website, as many are already aware, is certainly no laughing matter. Like other Google algorithms…
Updated 24th October 2014 – I have written a followup article: what to do if either you have been effected by Penguin 3.0, or you didn’t see any positive results despite working to remove…
What was once a grey area for UK courts has now become crystal clear after legal changes were made to parody laws on October 1. Does this change open the door…